Questions & Answers

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    50 East 52nd Street
    Brooklyn, NY 10022
    United States


    Você tem perguntas sobre como podemos ajudar sua empresa? Envie-nos um e-mail e entraremos em contato em breve.

    Shopping Information

    Delivery charges for Online Store orders?

    For Online Store orders, there are no additional delivery fees. You will only pay the amount indicated on the product.

    How long will delivery take?

    The delivery time can vary between 1-3 weeks, depending on the location of the delivery, external factors, and weather conditions.

    Keep in mind that these timeframes may vary based on the carrier and the type of delivery service you choose.

    What exactly happens after ordering?

    Order Confirmation: The order is registered in the store or company's system, and you receive a confirmation email with the order details.
    Order Processing: The in-house team processes the order, checking the availability of the products, calculating the total price, and preparing the package for shipment.
    Preparation for Shipping: Products are taken out of stock, packed with care, and the delivery address is confirmed.
    Shipping to the Carrier: The package is delivered to the responsible carrier (such as FedEx, UPS, Correios, etc.).
    Tracking and Delivery: You receive an email with tracking information. The carrier guides the package to the delivery address, with time varying depending on location and other external factors.

    Where can I view my sales receipt?

    After purchase, you will automatically receive the receipt by email.

    How long do I have to return an order?

    We accept returns within 30 days from the date of purchase.
    Make sure the items are in proper condition (unworn, with tags, etc.).

    After we receive the returned item, we will process the refund.

    The amount will be returned to the original payment method or as store credit.

    If you prefer to exchange the product, please let us know and we will arrange for a replacement.

    There are no additional fees for returns.
    You will only pay the amount indicated on the product.
    Return Instructions:
    Pack the item properly and ship it according to the instructions provided.

    Payment Information

    Como o destinatário é reembolsado?

    Após recebermos o item devolvido, processaremos o reembolso.

    O valor será devolvido ao método de pagamento original ou como crédito na loja.

    Se você preferir trocar o produto, avise-nos e providenciaremos uma substituição.

    Can I be reimbursed through the original payment method?

    Torquent posuere vel id sagittis urna placerat ridiculus odio vestibulum donec tristique a nisl eros conubia condimentum nunc quisque nibh adipiscing habitasse parturient suspendisse proin a pharetra commodo leo tincidunt lobortis lacinia sem parturient dapibus.

    Ad vivamus nullam scelerisque a neque suspendisse consectetur fringilla a suspendisse proin senectus lobortis lacinia sem parturient dapibus ad aliquet maecenas dis neque.

    Como posso devolver um item?

    To request a refund or exchange of the product, please contact us at Within 24 hours we will provide you with the necessary instructions.

    Receberei o mesmo produto que vejo na foto?

    Sim, todos os produtos são exatamente como nas fotos. Além disso, todos os produtos passam por uma avaliação rigorosa de qualidade antes de serem enviados.